Monday 31 December 2018

Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Sunday 17th February 2019

Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Sunday 17th February 2019

I hereby give notice that the 2019 AGM will take place at Miners Welfare Institute, Gin Pit Village on Sunday 17th February starting at 20:00

The purpose of the Annual General Meeting will be:

·   to receive the Annual Reports of the Committee
·   receive the audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet
·   elect the Officers and Committee for the ensuing year
·   consider any amendments to the Constitution Rules of which due notice has been given to all members.

Any proposed change to any rule contained within this Constitution should be notified to Mark Riches as Club Secretary ( by Friday 25th January in order that all members shall have sufficient notice of the proposal

Furthermore, if you wish to stand for any of the roles listed below; please notify Mark on the above email no later than Friday 8th February

1.   Club Secretary
2.   Treasurer
3.   Membership Secretary
4.   Road Captain
5.   Race Organiser (Vacant Role)
6.   Tri Captain
7.   Ultra-running Captain
8.   Fell Captain 
9.   Cross-country Captain (option to join committee)
10.   IT manager (non-committee)

Thursday 13 December 2018

Cross Country - Tandle Hill Oldham - SELCC - 15th December 2018

Ladies start 1:40pm (8k)
Men start 2:20pm (10k)

Well the name says it all on this one I won't lie. It's a tough course, mainly hilly fields.

Who's playing out??

Follow sat Nav via the postcode OL2 5UX, you arrive on a quite lovely estate with some huge houses. There will be a lady on the street with a desk to register at, you then are directed down a side path into the fields, the start is immediately through the farmers style/gate.

No toilet or changing facilities at this race.

This is an SELCC race so you use the number you got at Heaton Park.

If you haven't raced an SELCC race before then see the lady at the desk and she will issue you a number. Be sure to tell her you are A&T and are in the SELCC league and not a guest runner. It is £6 payable on the day for those that don't already have a number from Heaton.

Xmas party & awards day so go and give it your best and get home and let the party start πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸ₯‚πŸ» πŸŽ„πŸŽ–️πŸ†

As always give me a shout if you need anything. 07971993903

Monday 26 November 2018

Cross Country - Centre Vale Park Todmorden - 1st Decmber 2018

Saturday 1st December is the last of the Red Rose League races.

It is a new fixture at Centre Vale Park and I haven't raced here before so it's all brand new.

SatNav postcode is OL14 7DE

This is a red rose race so please use your number that you used for Leigh, Leverhulme, or Marl Pits. If you haven't raced red rose before and don't have a number you must contact me asap and definitely before Thursday. Strictly no entries on the day.

Ladies start is 1.35
Men start 2.15

For course map info please see the link

Chief tent coordinator Tim will be on tent duty as I can't make this one it's my son's birthday.

Hope you all have a fab race and I will see you soon.


Cross Country Update After Race 5

Cross Country Update

Well done to all who raced at Liverpool. Results spreadsheet after race 5 is now updated. Any queries please let me know.

This weekend's race is at a brand new fixture in Todmorden, this is the last of the Red Rose League races so it would be great to have as many runners out as possible. Please see the event page for details.

Just a quick update on our league races. A previous clash of events meant I couldn’t initially add Wilson Playing Fields - Hyndburn on our fixtures list, however Mid Lancs have re-scheduled it and it is now being held on one of our ‘free’ weekends - 8th December!

I’m aware a number of you can’t make some of the next few races due to Christmas parties etc so I’ve decided to include Hyndburn in our race list to give you more opportunity to pick up some points. Plus it’s a cracking course, I’m sure you will enjoy it.

Nothing will change regarding scoring apart from you have more opportunity to race, and your best 7 races will still count – so it’s best if you can get to as many races as you can to try to bag the top points.
I’m not moving any goal posts regarding the loyalty prize and if any member completes 12 races from the now 13 on the list they will still qualify.

Hope that’s fair to everyone and hope to see you racing in the mud soon.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Cross Country - Sefton Park Liverpool - Mid Lancs/British Athletics 24/11/2018

Saturday 24th November is the next Cross Country Event. Sefton Park Liverpool. This is the British Athletics Cross Challenge and sees many athletes competing in the European Trial. £4,000 in prize money available at this event, so the race is very competitive, but dont let that put you off it's a fabulous atmosphere.

Ladies Start is Race #10 at 1.05pm (1 short and 2 long laps) 8.1km

Mens Start is Race #11 at 2.05pm (3 long laps) 9.8km

This is a strictly no entry on the day race and only those members that have requested a timing chip have been paid for (£1.20 payable to me please when you see me) -
Simon Ford, Shaun Moran, Catherine Brides, Mark Collins, David Sloan, Tim Campbell, Catherine Worsley, Craig Bradbury, Scott Priestley, Jackie Price, Kay Campbell, Jon Hall, Bren Loughrey, Tracy Loughrey, Paul Roberts, Lynn Boylin, Sue Fletcher, Gary Firth, Jonny Hyde.

It gets very busy with parking around the perimeter of Sefton Park so please leave enough time - at least 45 mins before the start of your race. 
Your chip and number for this race is collected on the day - you don't use your normal Mid Lancs number.

I'd advise car sharing if possible as it is a bit of a journey.

Directions by road
From end of M62, turn left onto A5058 (Queens Drive). After approximately ½ mile, go straight over ‘Fiveways’ roundabout continuing on A5058. Continue over next roundabout and through traffic signals. After approximately ¾ mile, A5058 enters Sefton Park and onto its perimeter drive. Continue round the perimeter drive to Croxteth Drive / Aigburth Drive and War Memorial.
Set Satellite Navigation to L17 3AA


I'm still injured, I think I will be out for the rest of the year at least. But I'm hoping to be there on Saturday anyway.

Monday 12 November 2018

London Marathon 2019 Club Ballot – by Mark Riches

My earlier post HERE refers

The allocation of places to clubs is as follows:

Number of first claim-registered members
Number of entries

Based on the information provided by our governing body, we have been allocated 1 place

If you would like to be considered and you meet the criteria, please email me on

Deadline to be considered for the place is 30th November

If we get more names than places then we will draw out a ‘winner’ at presentation night on 15th December

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Cross Country - Liverpool Sefton Park - Who's racing?

Please can I have a show of hands of who is definitely going to Sefton Park Liverpool British Athletics cross challenge on 24/11/18.

I have to register you and pay up front for your timing chips so only definites please. I need to know by 8th November 5pm latest.

Pay me for your chip on the day. £1.20

If anyone is not on facebook or doesnt see the blog please pass this message on.


Cross Country - Leverhulme Park - 10th November

Saturday 10th November is the second of the Red Rose races. Bring your number that you used at Leigh Sports Village. (Has a little red rose emblem in top left corner).
Anyone that didn't race at Leigh and pre registered with me to run then I will have your number. Please bring £6 in correct change on the day.

Should be a bit more mud this weekend as there has been a bit of rain and more forecast towards the end of the week. Yipee! πŸ€ͺ

Leverhulme parking can be a bit busy on the main car park near the athletics track, if it is full then park respectfully on the side streets around the park. Please consider the local residents.

Sat Nav BL2 6BX.

Tents are on the main field behind the track.

Women start 1.35pm (5k approx)
Men start 2.16pm (10k approx)

I'm injured so likely I won't be running but I'll be there with the tent, the numbers, the cheers and the camera 😁

If you're not sure if you put your name down pleas text me and I'll check I've got a number for you.


Tuesday 30 October 2018

Turkey Trot & Rudolph Run 2018

We will be doing our Annual "Turkey Trot handicap" race on Monday 17th December at 1840 hrs as part of the Monday night training session at LSV.  

(The route and distance will be announced on the night -   It will be no further than 5k)

The rules are :-

1) Free to enter for all A&T members.  

2) Each runner MUST bring a prize.  (A bottle, Choc's, Funny Gift etc)

3) First runner back gets 1st pick of the prizes, 2nd 2nd pick etc etc

4) Fancy dress or at least a Xmas hat or jumper is required

5) Your handicap will be announced a few days before the event. 

Prior to the Turkey Trot there will be a Rudolph Run at 1820 hrs  for any of our members Children or Grandchildren Under 16 years

This will consist of 4 laps of the Track  (1 Mile) 

Free to enter and each runner will receive a medal and a gift from Santa. 

Please email me at if you wish to take part in the Turkey Trot,  if you wish to enter someone in the Rudolph Run then please message me their names.  



Friday 19 October 2018

REMINDER - Cross Country Race 2 - Heaton Park - 20/10/2018

REMINDER: Cross Country tomorrow afternoon - Heaton Park, Manchester, M25 2SW. 1:40 ladies start, 2:20 for gents.

This is your first SELCC race so bring your £6 and register with the organiser at the race (so make sure you allow a bit more time). Don't forget pins for your number and remember to keep your numbers for the whole season.

There's a number of car parks around the park itself, there are charges for parking from memory and I'm sure they've increased them to pay for park upkeep, so bring some change, ideally car share if you can. Head towards the Hall at the top of the hill, all the tents are usually there. I'll have my phone if you need me 07971993903.

A little birdy tells me there are treats for after the race too!

Weather is looking perfect for tomorrow, cant wait to see you there :)

Sunday 14 October 2018

Heaton Park Cross Country - SELCC league - 20th October 2018

The next cross country is on Saturday 20th October,  Heaton Park held by South East Lancs league. Postcode M25 2SW

This is the first of the SELCC (South East Lancs) league so again £6 for your number for the whole series. This time you register and pay the organiser on the day.
Remember to retain all of your numbers, don't bin them!

Women start 1:40pm (8k)
Men start 2:20pm (10k)

The tents are at the top of the hill near the hall you can't miss them. Our tent is pale grey and bright green.

This is another great race, a bit more technical than Leigh but a true cross country route, more to think about and get stuck in to, you will love it.

Anyone who is a member of A&T can enter this one on the day, so even if you didn't put your name down beforehand you can jump on it on Saturday just bring your £6 πŸ‘

Fab turnout yesterday and I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday πŸƒπŸ’™

** Please note the club scoring spreadsheet will be updated as soon as Red Rose have ironed out a few issues from yesterdays race - well done everyone. ** 

As always, please contact me if you have any questions.

Langdale Horseshoe Fell Race Report 
Don’t panic! As I sat on the edge of an unnamed crag just off Bow fell, slightly lost having stupidly followed someone off the peak too soon, and clutching my cramping calf in the driving wind and spiky rain, it occurred to me that a copy of the Hitchhiker’s Guide the Galaxy, along with a warm, reassuring towel, were exactly what I needed. Although if I’m honest, the way I was feeling, a Vogon Destructor fleet would have been equally welcome at that point. However, none of these things were available to me, so I dragged myself off the ground and started to clamber my way around the edge of the mountain over the slippery boulders and scree to get back on track. Visibility was poor, so sighting on landmarks was virtually impossible, but I eventually traversed and slithered my way around to Three Tarns and was on my way to Crinkle Crags, having doubled back for the number check.
As I rejoined the race at around the halfway point it was clear that I had slipped back significantly in the standings and my mood started to match that of Marvin the Paranoid Android as I limped along, almost being blown over a couple of times, with the wind spraying the rain off the rocks into my face and generally feeling a bit sorry for myself. The conditions were biblical, the lovely stream that we had seen on our recce the previous week had turned into an impassable raging torrent which had meant a detour around the far shore of a tarn, and the traverse from Esk Hause had been like walking a tightrope whilst wearing roller skates. I was determined to get back on track as we got over Crinkle Crags, although with cramp in my legs there was a little trepidation in my mind about the upcoming “Bad Step” which is a drop of around 10ft that I had struggled with the previous week on our recce in dry weather. However, I was in a group of around 15 runners and allowed myself to be taken off to the right, “Great”, I thought, “someone knows the way around Bad Step”. A few moments later I realised that we’d gone the wrong way as 15 people simultaneously stopped to get out their map and compass. We’d dropped quite a way off the mountain at this stage and I pulled out my own compass to realise that we were travelling North, when we should have been going South. D’oh! I did a 180 degree turn and 15 people then followed me like sheep as I confidently led us to a certain doom down a narrow and steep ravine. Large tumbling rocks chased us down at high speed. These were ankle breakers and we were lucky that nobody ended up getting hurt in our haste, but we all got safely to the bottom and were now able to traverse across to the main route, although for some reason some of them doubted my leadership and were last seen heading in the opposite direction towards Eskdale. This section of my Strava looks a little like the fiddly bits around the Norwegian fjords, but I wasn't winning any awards.
Joining back with the race I’d dropped even further back amongst the back markers, but I now knew exactly where I was and was confident I knew the way back, so I made like a Ford Prefect, racing down the last couple of descents and over Pike O’ Blisco, overtaking about 30 or 40 runners in the last couple of miles and experiencing my all-time favourite bit of my fell-running career, where I slid on my bum at high speed about 150 yards down a grassy bank. Great fun and quicker than running!
I eventually finished in 142nd place in 3:56:09, where a nervous and chilly Simon waited having finished 45 minutes earlier in 60th place and 3:10:09. We then both waited nervously for Ian, who about 25 minutes later it turned out had been even more navigationally challenged than myself, travelling an extra 3 miles (following a guy who’d done the race 4 times before!) but missing the last checkpoint and therefore being one of 62 DNFs out of a field of 242 that started the race, less than half the 500+ that had originally entered online. 
And my apologies for the long report, the infinite improbability drive was in full effect with so many memorable moments, I haven’t even mentioned needing to be dragged out of a bog having got stuck waist-deep, or Ian’s adventures wading through swollen rivers, or the flooded campsite and roads, or soya milk flat whites, or the heroic marshalls in their tiny tents, or the guy who did a perfect parachute roll in front of me down a hillside, or the multiple conversations with fellow racers, or nearly breaking my leg between 2 rocks, or the deepest clearest pool of water ever seen (and nearly fallen into), or the mysterious scratches all over my legs, or Nicky Spinks almost being washed away by a stream, or the rain feeling like needles on my tongue, or the weird pies that tasted amazing at the end. So well done to anyone who got around that course, it was a difficult but fantastic race and as Ian said afterwards, we’ve unfinished business, so I’m sure I’ll be back to try to conquer it next year.
The final A&T Fell Champs tables have now been uploaded to the website and to Facebook, it’s been another brilliant season and thanks to everyone who has taken part this year.

Friday 12 October 2018

Gin Pit 5

Hi all,

It's been a mad week at race HQ. 

Here are the times i'd like people to arrive who are volunteering

Registration - No later than 8.30am
Gary Stevens , Louise Simpson, Rachel Haslam

Car Park Marahals - No later than 8.30am
Scott P, Shaun, Amanda & Mike Partington, Darren Williamson

Course Marshals and Timekeepers - No later than 9.15am (see Craig Bradbury for instructions)

Marshals - Craig Bradbury (head marshal), Joan Cooke, Andrew Cass, Matthew Perry, Lynn Boylin, Josie Maley-Jones, Dave Sloan, Michelle Fairclough, Anthony Hart

Timekeepers - Gary Stevens, Chris B, Claire Matchwick, Tim Campbell

If any of our wonderful members are bringing a cake to donate please see Lynn or Karen who will look after it for you.

I'd appreciate it if you could park away from the car park where possible and walk it in or car share or bike it to allow people who are not from the area to get nearer to race HQ. 

Myself & Chris B will be around on the day to answer any questions runners may have about the course etc.

See you Sunday for the madness of the Gin Pit!

Gary S

Wednesday 10 October 2018

London Marathon Club Ballot Criteria

 If you got a rejection in the London Ballot you could still get in through the club route. See club criteria below and keep posted to the blog on how to apply for a club place.

Rules for 2019

·         Members must have entered & been rejected from the London Marathon
·         Members must be at least in their second year of membership
·         Members must be first claim to Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners
·         Members must have a run a 10-mile race or longer within the last 12 months
·         If a member has had a club place before they cannot enter
·         If after this ballet there are any places left, members who fulfil all the above but have had a club place before can go into a second ballet

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Final Call for Gin Pit Runners

Online entries are still available and close on Friday at 1pm for Sunday's Gin Pit 5.
If you want to enter please use the following link

I'll post details on Friday regarding on the day entries.

Monday 8 October 2018

Bake a cake for the Gin Pit 5

We are looking for cake donations from our lovely members for Sunday's Gin Pit 5.
The idea is runners can help themselves and make a small donation to the club, like a honesty box.

Please see Lynn Boylin's daughter Karen on the day if you have a cake to donate.

Thank you


Wednesday 3 October 2018

Hi Vis

Now that the dark nights are setting in, we encourage all club members, especially on club training nights to wear hi-vis clothing.

Monday 1 October 2018

The new Road Captain (s)

I'm very pleased to announce that we've had two members come forward to take on the role as A&T Road Captain in a joint capacity.    Positions to be officially confirmed at the AGM in the 2019.

These are Joan Cook and Nicola Scott.


I am sure that you will give these two great support like you have given me over the last few years.  I know that they are already planning some new races and fresh ideas so should be exciting. 
