Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Minutes for Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners AGM 30th January 2021 (via Zoom)


Minutes for Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners AGM 30th January 2021 (via Zoom)


The members were welcomed to the meeting and there were apologies from Committee members, John Hall and Dave Sloan


Treasurers Report

Malc informed the members that the bank account is healthy for the size of the club. Lost revenue from volunteering at Manchester marathon and Bolton Ironman offset by not having to pay LSV track fees. He expects things to be similar for 2021 so proposes to set subs for 2021 the same as in 2020;

  • £35 for membership renewal
  • £40 for new members
  • £20 for second claim members
  • £25 for half year membership which starts from 1st August.


Membership needs to be renewed within 4 weeks of the AGM or they will be considered as a new member and the fee will be £40





Proposed change to Constitution



Election of Officers & Committee

The following committee positions were elected: -




Club Secretary

Mark Riches


Malc Collins

Membership Secretary

Jon Hall

Road Captain

Joan Cooke & Cath Worsley

Race Organiser

Mark Riches

Tri Captain

Gary Firth

Ultra-running Captain

David Sloan

Fell Captain

Rachel Haslam

Cross-country Captain

Tim Campbell

IT manager (non-committee)

Peter Worthington



Mark advised everyone that he has ordered 20th anniversary commemorative t-shirts for all paid-up members as at 31/01/2021 (Jon has provided a list) Also Mark is hoping to organise some sort of race (maybe inter-club challenge) followed by drinks in GP, when we are allowed!