Monday 17 August 2020

Training Sessions Under Covid19 Restrictions


Training Sessions Under Covid19 Restrictions


With government guidelines now allowing a return to group activities, Astley and Tyldesley Road Runners are beginning a return to training. We aim to provide the usual timetable of sessions/classes/groups but with restrictions on numbers and certain activities.


Numbers will be managed using a 3rd party booking app and links to this will be provided when available. This also enables us to gather contact information for the government track and trace initiative.


Sessions will be managed by the relevant coach or run leader to ensure they are 'Covid19 secure' and each run venue or route is also royal assessed to be Covid19 secure.


To enable this to happen and for training to continue in this manner, we need co-operation from members attending sessions.


You must not attend if you are unwell, especially if experiencing any Covid19 symptoms such as high temperature, persistent cough, loss of taste or sense of smell.


Please do not arrive at a session more than 5 minutes before the start time and please leave immediately after. Please, no congregating. If you do arrive early, then please stay in your car or away from the entrance until it is opened.


No visitors or spectators allowed to track sessions. This includes children.


Please always follow social distancing guidelines (currently 2m or 1m+)


At all times you must follow specific guidance from your coach/leader at each session.


Use hand sanitiser and wash hands where appropriate.


Only bring equipment (clothing, drinks bottles etc) you need and do not share equipment with anyone unless they are in your household group.


No spitting or nose blowing. You must use tissues or similar and follow good hygiene practices.


Avoid touching surfaces when training (i.e. gates and barriers) where possible.


If you are unable to attend a booked session, then please either cancel it on the app/website or with your leader/coach at the earliest opportunity. This allows other people a chance to take advantage of the space and potentially stops a phone call for the track and trace team.


If you have any concerns or questions, then please feel free to ask.


Thank you all for your patience, cooperation and understanding.


Gary Firth

(Covid19 Officer)