Tuesday 4 February 2020

Minutes for Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners AGM 2nd February 2020

The members were welcomed to the meeting and there were apologies from Committee members, John Hall, Nicola Young and James Bentall

Annual reports
Road Section
Joan Cooke explained that Nicola Young would be standing down as co-captain and she would be replaced by Cath Worsley.
Cross Country Section
Michelle Fairclough reminded everyone that there is one race left and the final standings will depend on the outcome of this race. 14 men have raced on the country this year so far but only 8 women. Could possibly use Shaun’s cross fun-try course to give people a feel for cross country. Michelle is looking at Manchester League in order to move away from the same races each year
Fell Section
Rachel Haslam said that boys well represented but need more ladies. 12 races to choose from in Run the Moors series plus Rivington Pike now added to the fell champs. Phil Riley has agreed to co-captain this year
Triathlon Section
Matt Thorpe said he planned to keep the scoring format the same for 2020. He went on to advise that James Bentall would be standing down as co-captain and he would be replaced by Gary Firth
Dave Sloan explained that there are 3 recommended races with a view to getting club representation. There is no vets category just male and female and only need to complete one race to qualify
Malc Collins confirmed we currently have 107 members which is like last year. The winner of the free-membership draw was Stacy Mamoun. Next year’s draw will be for those who volunteer at Club events only; the 5 qualifying events are:

  1. GP5
  2. Malc’s ½ marathon
  3. Manchester marathon
  4. Ironman
  5. Bolton marathon

If you volunteer at more than one event you will be entered in the draw more than once i.e. 3 times if you volunteer at 3 qualifying events

Treasurers Report
Malc informed the members that the club’s incomings and expenditure for 2019 were very similar and the club’s financial position was also very similar to that at the end of 2018. The bank account is healthy for the size of the club. He expects things to be similar for 2020 so proposes to set subs for 2020 the same as in 2019;
  • £35 for membership renewal
  • £40 for new members
  • £20 for second claim members
  • £25 for half year membership which starts from 1st August.
Membership needs to be renewed within 4 weeks of the AGM or they will be considered as a new member and the fee will be £40

Proposed change to Constitution
Dave suggested that the Club name may put people off as they assume that we only run on the road. Changing it to Astley & Tyldesley Running Club may make us more accessible. The general feeling was that changing the name would NOT increase membership and there was plenty of information regarding the various types of running we do on the website. It was also pointed out that the Club was formed in January 2001 so will celebrate 20 years in 2021. We took a ‘show of hands’ and the majority wanted the name to say the same

Election of Officers & Committee
The following committee positions were elected: -

Club Secretary
Mark Riches
Malc Collins
Membership Secretary
Jon Hall
Road Captain
Joan Cooke & Cath Worsley*
Race Organiser
Mark Riches
Tri Captain
Matthew Thorpe & Gary Firth**
Ultra-running Captain
David Sloan
Fell Captain
Rachel Haslam & Phil Riley
Cross-country Captain
Michelle Fairclough
IT manager (non-committee)
Peter Worthington**
* thanks, to Nicola Young
** thanks to James Bentall

Monday 10k from LSV will be relaunched next month

A&T Road Runners are planning to help again this year at the Manchester marathon (5th April), Bolton Ironman (12th July) and Bolton marathon (17th May) Helping out at these events generates good income for the club and helps keep member’s subs down. We ask for you to support and help if you can

The Gin Pit 5 will be held on Sunday 18th October 2020 and the Presentation Night is booked for 5th December 2020

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