Monday, 22 January 2018


Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners AGM
Sunday 21st January 2018 at 20:00


Annual Reports (road / cross-country / fell / triathlon / ultra / membership)
Road (CB) – list of all races handed out & also on the website / proposal to raise vets category (M&F) to 45 years (no objection from the floor) / new park run champs to run alongside the road champs based on age-grading
Cross-country (MR) – low numbers this season needs new blood as MR has been doing this since the champs started
Fell (TC) – Run the Moors very well received last year / majority of races next season will be from run the moors series / Rivington Pike race will also be included next year
Triathlon (MT) – same scoring system as last year / events on the fixtures list which is on the website / 2 races have been selected as champ races Salford (Olympic) & Nantwich (Sprint)
Ultra (DS) – lots of choice on events list (see website) / scoring system has been explained on the Blog / reminder that each discipline has its own section on the website
Membership (JH) – 108 first-claim members + 3 second claim / park run has been a rich source of recruitment
Treasurer’s report & adoption of the Accounts
MC – If members would like to see account information please could they email Malc Collins.
Setting of membership fees for 2018
MC – as the Club is in a good position financially, it has been decided to leave the fees unchanged i.e. £40 (new) £35 (renewal) £20 (second claim) / members advised that they could pay cash on the night or use the PayPal link on the website / deadline for payment 18th February 2018
Proposed changes to Constitution
Election of Officers & Committee

  • Club Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Road Captain
  • Race Organiser
  • Membership Secretary
  • Tri Captain
  • Head Coach (option to join committee)
  • Fell Captain
  • Cross-country Captain (option to join committee)
  • Ultra-running Captain
  • IT manager (non-committee)
  • MR to continue (nominated & seconded)
  • MC to continue (nominated & seconded)
  • CB to continue (nominated & seconded)
  • Committee to organise with Gary S
  • JH to continue (nominated & seconded)
  • MT & JB to continue (nominated & seconded)

  • Joint JB, DS & LB

  • TC to continue (nominated & seconded)
  • Michelle Fairclough will take over (with support from MR) nominated & seconded
  • DS to continue (nominated & seconded)
  • JH (website) Gary S (Blog)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from 25/05/2018
  1. MR - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) this will come into effect from 25th May 2018
  2. MR – we have been asked to help out again at Manchester marathon on 8th April 2018 (same water station) and all volunteers need to register online / MR will arrange for link to go on the Blog
  3. MT advised that the Club now has -Cycling Time Trial membership
  4. CB confirmed the date for this year’s presentation 15th December 2018
  5. MC made a plea for volunteers for GP marathon / half marathon 24th & 25th March. Anyone who helps on 24th will get a free place for the half on 25th Helpers on 25th will get a place for the Lion Bridge race later in the year
  6. DS made a plea for support for the last 3 miles of the 117 miles Birmingham to Leigh challenge (they’ll need it!) They will be providing regular updates but expect to be approaching GP hill around 3pm on Saturday
  7. Claire Unsworth (CU) raised the issue of slower runners being left behind on Wednesday warm-up / warm-down. JH said that he had spoken to the group last Wednesday about not waiting for the last runner to finish the session and he & MR said that they would monitor this
  8. Club kit was discussed & MC will order some more vests (JH to provide M/F split, sizes etc.) MT confirmed that JB will be opening the kit portal one last time before seeking a new supplier. The committee acknowledged that the design needs to remain the same if we move to a new supplier

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